ABOUT the Author

The Author
Vladimír Štrunc is an amateur entomologist,
musician, professional photographer. He is also an author and publicist
of entomological books, which are produced in cooperation with the
capacities in the discipline. He also is a co-author of various
multimedia projects about the Czech Republic and the nature around us in
general. He has been involved in photography and macro photography
since 1996.
From a young age, he dealt with entomology, especially the Carabidae
family, and initiated the publication of books including "The Prionids
of the World" and "The Prionids of the Neotropical region".
The Publisher
The newly established company PhotoMusic s.r.o. ensures the
publication of entomological publications by the author Vladimír Štrunc.
In the longer term PhotoMusic s.r.o. will support new projects with other co-authors.
The Tiger Beetles Series
In cooperation with museums, experts from all over the world (Jürgen
Wiesner, David L. Pearson, Andrey Matalin, Georges Colas, Charles
Dheurle, Arnošt Kudrna …) and with a support of many collectors, the
Tiger Beetles series is focused on publishing all available species of
the Cicidelidae family. The first step was the publication of the book "Tiger Beetles of the World"
in November 2020, when a unique publication on the genera of the
Cicindelidae family was created and structured according to Jürgen
The next continuation of the series will focus on the mapping of Tiger Beetles in individual biogeographic regions.
Author's request
I am writing to ask for your support for a project to promote
entomology to the widest possible community of nature enthusiasts,
students, educators, insect photographers and, of course, entomologists.
The project consists in publishing entomological publications and
showing the diversity, distribution of important families of the order
One of the main goals is to reach the young generation and show the beauty and diversity of insects.
The new edition follows on from the previous titles Tiger Beetles of the World – Genera and Ground Beetles of the Africa.
The first title of the new edition of important families of the order Coleoptera – Jewel Beetles of the World, contains 500 species and subspecies from about 100 genera from all continents. Other titles (GroundBeetles, TigerBeetles, Long-horned Beatles, Stag Beatles, Trueweevils, …) may follow.
Become a fan and supporter of this project by purchasing one of the published books. You will join the club of friends of the publishing house and receive gifts and significant discounts on other published books. If this idea appeals to you, please spread the word among your colleagues and friends.
Your advice and recommendations will greatly influence my focus and may change my editorial schedule, title preference (which comes out first), or encourage the creation of entirely new titles. If you wish, I would be honored to write a personal dedication in the introduction of the book.
The entomology books I have authored are characterized by the publication of high-resolution macro-photographs, which allows for relatively very accurate identification.
Thank you for purchasing the book. Your support of the project will enable me to publish new titles with a higher level of macro-photographic representation of the published species.
The range of titles is on the website www.insect-books.com, where you can claim a discount on individual books using the coupon code.
Thank you for your support – Vladimír Štrunc author
Vladimír Štrunc – makro fotograf, Macro Photographer / Czech Republic
Recent work published in Zootaxa:
12/2022 – Review of the Neotropical genera Barra
Jordan and Brevibarra Jordan, with description of a new species of Barra
from Nicaragua, notes on the tribe Piesocorynini Valentine, and new
records of Brevibarra from Brazil and Ecuador. Photos + arrangement by V.Štrunc (Coleoptera: Anthribidae)
02/2023 – Description of a new genus and species, Dundadela maculata, from Madagascar (Coleoptera: Ptinidae)
08/2023 – A new species of Xylodes Waterhouse from
Madagascar, with a key to the genera of the tribe Ptinini from
Madagascar, Mascarenes and adjacent regions, and a key to species of
Xylodes, subgenus Diegous (Coleoptera: Ptinidae)
10/2023 – Rediscovery and redescription of Oxycheila
buestani Wiesner with the first female record and new methodology for
observation of Oxycheila Dejean and Oxygonia Mannerheim (Coleoptera:
06/2024 – Semiclaviger strunci sp. nov., The Pselaphinae of Madagascar. IX. New species of the genus Semiclaviger Wasmann, 1893 in collaboration with Peter Hlaváč
02/2025 – Newly described species Diastatotropis strunci Trýzna, Raveloson & Rakotonirina sp. nov. (Anthribidae: Anthribinae) in collaboration with Milos Tryzna.